My data, settings

Where can I modify my personal data?
You can modify your personal data by clicking My data. Choose a name to make it easier for your friends to find you.  Upload a profile picture as well.
Fri, Aug 5, 2016 ekkor: 8:32 DE
What type of data shall I add about myself? Who can see my data?
You can modify your personal data by clicking My data. Choose a name to make it easier for your friends to find you.  Upload a profile picture as well.  W...
Fri, Aug 5, 2016 ekkor: 8:33 DE
Who can see what I share on the site?
If you click on the settings link in the upper right corner, you can set who can see the content you share.
Fri, Aug 5, 2016 ekkor: 8:34 DE
Where can I set the types of emails I receive?
If you click on the settings link in the upper right corner, you can set what types of emails you will receive from
Fri, Aug 5, 2016 ekkor: 8:36 DE
Where can I set the colour of
If you click on the settings link in the upper right corner, you can set the colour of your pages according to the colour of your bike or you...
Fri, Aug 5, 2016 ekkor: 8:38 DE
How can I set the language of the site?
If you click on the settings link in the upper right corner, you can choose the language you want to use.
Fri, Aug 5, 2016 ekkor: 9:00 DE
How can I delete my account?
For security reasons, in case you'd like to delete your account, please send us a message with the following data: the name you have on your profile ...
Sun, Már 26, 2017 ekkor: 12:09 DU