
Where can I find routes?
Log in to and click Routes. Enter the name of the city, or region you are looking for into the search bar and click search. The list of rou...
Fri, Jún 17, 2016 ekkor: 9:49 DE
What does the number on the routes button mean?
This number shows how many routes are available on After logging in you always see how many routes are uploaded by your biker friends and a...
Fri, Jún 17, 2016 ekkor: 9:53 DE
What does favourites mean in the routes menu?
In favourites, you see those routes, which were saved by you earlier by clicking favourite on a route’s page.
Fri, Jún 17, 2016 ekkor: 9:54 DE
How can I save a route to favourites?
Choose the route you like, click on the link of the route and open it. On the page of the route click the favourite icon/link.
Fri, Jún 17, 2016 ekkor: 9:55 DE
Where do I find the route I uploaded?
Log in to and click the routes button. You find your earlier uploaded routes if you click My routes. If you want to edit your route, please...
Fri, Jún 17, 2016 ekkor: 9:56 DE
How can I edit my uploaded routes?
Log in to and click the routes button. You find your uploaded routes if you click My routes. If you want to edit your route, please choose ...
Fri, Jún 17, 2016 ekkor: 9:58 DE
How can I create a route on
The easiest way to create a route is to download the motoglobe application, install it on your mobile phone and record your route. After finishing the re...
Fri, Jún 17, 2016 ekkor: 9:59 DE
How can I create a route without the application?
Log in to and click routes. Click the Add a new route link and fill out the form for your route. Upload your gpx file, or copy your google ...
Fri, Jún 17, 2016 ekkor: 10:01 DE
How can I download a route?
Click on the route you like and select download route. You can download the route data in a .gpx file, which you can copy to your personal navigation dev...
Fri, Jún 17, 2016 ekkor: 10:02 DE
How can I share the route I like with my friends?
On the page of a specific route click share. After sharing the route, all your friends will see the route you have shared.
Fri, Jún 17, 2016 ekkor: 10:03 DE