At the top of the page you can find a search bar. Use this to search for routes, friends, events or groups. Type the phrase you are searching for and pre...
Mon, Jún 20, 2016 ekkor: 8:34 DE
Click the Routes button in the top menu bar. Type the name of the route you would like to find or enter keywords, sich as cities, regions, countries etc. ...
Mon, Jún 20, 2016 ekkor: 8:36 DE
To find an event, press the Events button in the menu bar. You'll see all events in the calendar, by dates.
Mon, Jún 20, 2016 ekkor: 8:37 DE
To find a friend on, first press the My friends button in the menu bar. Type the name, or the e-mail address of your friend in the search ba...
Mon, Jún 20, 2016 ekkor: 8:38 DE
To find a group on, first press the Groups button in the menu bar. Type the name of the group you are looking for in the search bar and pres...
Mon, Jún 20, 2016 ekkor: 8:39 DE