Mobile application
Follow the links below where you can download the application. When the download is complete, please start the installation.
For Android users: https:...
Fri, Jún 17, 2016 ekkor: 10:09 DE
In case you already have an account on, enter the email address and the password for your account and tap Login.
In case you do not h...
Fri, Jún 17, 2016 ekkor: 10:15 DE
After logging into the motoglobe app, tap Record new track and Start recording.
Fri, Jún 17, 2016 ekkor: 10:14 DE
Tap the Pause recording button. To continue, tap Continue recording.
Fri, Jún 17, 2016 ekkor: 10:13 DE
Tap Stop recording. Your route will be saved on your phone, and you can choose to upload it to the website as well.
Fri, Jún 17, 2016 ekkor: 10:14 DE
Pause the recording by pushing the Pause recording button. The camera icon just above the Pause recording button is now active, by tapping that, you activ...
Fri, Jún 17, 2016 ekkor: 10:16 DE
Pause your recording with the Pause recording button and tap the note icon in the middle above the recording buttons. After adding your comments, go back ...
Fri, Jún 17, 2016 ekkor: 10:17 DE
Go to Routes in the bottom menu, then tap Search routes. Enter the city or region you are interested in and tap Go. The list of available routes will appe...
Fri, Jún 17, 2016 ekkor: 10:18 DE
Open the Menu (bottom right corner) and choose Fueling records. Tap New record and enter your data and Save them.
Fri, Jún 17, 2016 ekkor: 10:21 DE
Open the Menu (bottom right corner) and choose Maintenance history. Add your service data here by tapping on New entry. When finished, tap Save.
Fri, Jún 17, 2016 ekkor: 10:20 DE