Click My friends in the main menu of Type the name or the email address of your friend to the search bar, and click Submit.
If your friend...
Fri, Aug 5, 2016 ekkor: 9:10 DE
Use your real name, or the name most of your friends can recognise you. The more data you provide, the more easily your friends will find you.
Fri, Aug 5, 2016 ekkor: 9:11 DE
In My Friends choose the friend to whom you would like to send a message. Click the envelope icon under his/her profile picture and send a message.
Mon, Aug 8, 2016 ekkor: 7:04 DU
In My friends, find the person you no longer want to be a friend of. Next to the friend's name, you'll find a small arrow pointing down. Click on ...
Mon, Aug 8, 2016 ekkor: 7:06 DU